About product - Paykitpos About product - Paykitpos

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Our product is everything you need for:

Accounting and fiscalization of sales,operational control of a small business that needs to apply PRO.

It consists of:

Cashier workplace

The mobile application for registration, accounting and fiscalization of sales (using PRRO) is installed on a phone, tablet, terminal, or other device with the Android operating system.

Office of the management of the accounting system

This is a web-application that works through a browser and ensures the maintenance of commodity, warehouse, financial accounting, and the launch of discount programs. You can manage anywhere, receiving fresh data online.

PayKit is a software PPO for everyone who sells goods or provides services:


a small trade point (shopping island, kiosk, pavilion or shop food and nonfood):

  • clothes
  • household goods
  • flower shops
  • pet stores and veterinary pharmacies
  • optics
  • jewelry, perfumes
  • vegetables and fruits (weight goods)
  • confectionery
  • goods for fishermen
  • tobacco kiosks
  • accessories for mobile phones
  • artificial packaged products (alcohol)

objects of public catering without a kitchen (production):

  • fast food (food truck)
  • bar
  • confectionery
  • coffee shop, cafeteria
  • coffee dot
  • bakery

entrepreneurs providing services

  • delivery
  • cosmetology offices
  • dental offices
  • ticket sales (attractions)
  • parking
  • car wash
  • professional services
  • household services

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PayKit – cash register, accounting, PRRO in the POS terminal. This is a mobile workplace of a cashier on a phone or tablet, which is not tied to a stationary point.

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Product capabilities

PayKit is a software PPO for everyone who sells goods or provides services:

  • Merchandise accounting
    • Balance control by warehouses, locations + money storage, retail outlets
    • Receiving reports with the possibility of opening related events, operations and documents in them
    • Control and analysis of sales at each point of sale and the entire online network: checks, sales by payment types, by printers, cashiers, buyers
    • Downloading prices from suppliers
    • Automatic write-off of balances at the time of check closing
    • Analysis of critical balances, auto-ordering to the supplier
    • Report designer with saving templates: average check, dynamics of the number of checks and sales; sales by payment types, printers, cashier, cards
    • Taking inventory at cashiers' workplaces (front office) or in the cloud (back office).
  • Organization of commodity accounting
    • Determination of the assortment matrix for each retail outlet, carrying out revaluations
    • Purchase of goods, registration of orders, sending of expected electronic receipts to retail outlets
    • Acceptance of orders at the point of sale, confirmation of electronic invoices
    • Write-off from product balances during sales, write-off of product ingredients, the ability to sell both with and without balance control
    • Conducting inventories without stopping trade, conducting control inventories
    • Receiving all electronic data from sales points, calculating the financial result of work, carrying out mutual settlements with counterparties
    • Create any number of price level
  • Marketing and personnel
    • Logging of all personnel actions
    • Internal chat with outlets
    • Management of customer loyalty and attracting new ones: creation of promotions, management of the base of regular customers: discount cards, certificates, accrual of points and bonuses
    • Employee management: granting different access rights
  • Financial Accounting
    • Control of product balances and funds in real time
    • Sales accounting for each outlet, workplace, group of goods, suppliers for any period
    • Creation of articles of movement of funds
    • Accounting of funds by storage locations in cash registers and bank accounts
    • History of changes in purchase and sales prices, analysis of discounts/surcharges, promotions
    • Cost analysis online
    • EBITDA report
    • Export reports to files and the ability to receive data via API
    • Mutual settlements with suppliers
  • Cash register
    • Service entry and issuance
    • x-report and z-report
    • Receipt, expenditure and registration of funds
    • Check return and cancellation
    • Report on all articles for the selected period
    • Opening and closing shifts, displaying statistics, setting rights
  • Reports
    • Remaining goods
    • Report on sold goods
    • Remaining money in the cash register
    • Proceeds
    • Check

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