Launch of PayKit in Lithuania: Ukrainian software product in the EU! The start has begun! - Paykitpos Launch of PayKit in Lithuania: Ukrainian software product in the EU! The start has begun! - Paykitpos

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Launch of PayKit in Lithuania: Ukrainian software product in the EU! The start has begun!

Paykit POS

Since 2024, our company has begun the process of certification of the Ukrainian PayKit app from the Republic of Lithuania. This time allowed us to join the register of software RPOs, similar to those that are being prosecuted in Ukraine, and to make our decision official fiscal. The certification process consists of several stages, including the submission of edits and the removal of respect. After several months of intensive work, we completed all the necessary additional processing and were included in the register of fiscal decisions in Lithuania. From now on, we begin sales of our product in the Republic of Lithuania, and negotiations are currently underway with partners in other EU countries to launch the product. We are already writing that our ready decision causes a great concentration of investors and investors throughout the European Union.

What is PayKit?

PayKit is a comprehensive solution for registration and fiscalization of sales, specially designed for small businesses. Its functionality allows you to effectively control sales and ensure compliance with all fiscal benefits.

PayKit warehouses:

Cashier’s office

Mobile add-on for registration, registration and sales taxation (PRRO):

  • Installs on a phone, tablet, terminal or other device running the Android operating system.

Cloud system control room:

  • This web add-on, which operates through a browser, ensures the management of commodity, warehouse and financial information, as well as the launch of discount programs. You can manage the system by consuming the latest data online.

Advantages of PayKit for business:

  • The PayKit wiki allows businesses to:
  • Effectively manage sales and products
  • Promptly respond to changes in the financial sector and business
  • Launch discount programs
  • Withdraw fiscal checks, which comply with all legislative requirements

Let's summarize

The launch of PayKit in Lithuania opens up new opportunities for small businesses in this country. Our solution not only ensures compliance with fiscal requirements, but significantly simplifies the process of accounting and business management. We are confident that PayKit will become an indispensable tool for many Lithuanian entrepreneurs. We do not stop there and will continue to scale up in the EU countries!

Paykit POS

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