Connection of PRRO - Paykitpos Connection of PRRO - Paykitpos

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Accounting and fiscalization of sales, operational business control.


Connection of PRRO

IMPORTANT! For each workstation of each trading point, only one RRO can be set up with a single individual qualified electronic signature (QES).
1.QES for RRO are uploaded in the personal cabinet in the directory Trade points

1.1 To upload the QES, you need to go to the actions for the corresponding trading point in the item Workplaces.
1.2 Then for the selected workplace in the actions select the item Send key for RRO

2.In the opened window for sending the key for RRO after pressing Select file :

2.1 Select the QES file for RRO.
2.2 In the fields, enter the password for it and press the Add button.
2.3 After this, you will automatically return to the previous windowPlease note that this may take up to 30 seconds - during this time you do not need to press the Add button again.

3. After the automatic transition to the previous window, a code will appear in the column Key for RRO, which needs to be entered in the application at the workplace.
Please note that this code will only be relevant until the end time indicated after the code itself. If you do not manage to enter this code in time, you will need to repeat the entire key addition procedure to generate a new code.

4. To get the key in the app, go to the settings menu:

4.1 Select the item Get certificate.
4.2 In the opened window, press the Get button

4.3 In the opened window, you need to enter the code received in the cabinet when downloading the key p.
3.4 After entering the code, press the Ok button. Please note that this may take up to 30 seconds - during this time you do not need to press the Ok button again

4.5 After receiving the key, there is an automatic transition to the previous window. The window will indicate the date of receipt of the file and the status of the key receipt.


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PayKit – cash register, accounting, PRRO in the POS terminal. This is a mobile workplace of a cashier on a phone or tablet, which is not tied to a stationary point.

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