Revenue - Paykitpos Revenue - Paykitpos

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Data base

Accounting and fiscalization of sales, operational business control.



The report “Earnings” allows you to view and analyse information about the flow of funds for a selected period of time.
You can generate a report by selecting “Reports” → “Earnings”.
As a result, a window will appear containing a table that has essentially two columns – operation and amount.
Operations – operations, in the generated report on the cash register; Amount – the total amount for each operation.
The cash column “Operation” includes the following lines:
deposit – service deposit (money deposit) (cash deposit to the cash register);
sales – displayed sales – with separate breakdown for cash and card;
returns – displayed cash returns (displayed as negatives);
withdrawal – service withdrawal (service removal) (withdrawal of cash) (withdrawal of cash from the cash register);
total – total amount of money – with separate breakdown for cash and card.

This report also shows the total number of rows and the total amount of money, and it has a filter, by clicking on which, you can select the time period during which the report will be generated:
– by the hour;
– for today;
– for yesterday;
– for the current week;
– for the previous week;
– for the current month.


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PayKit – cash register, accounting, PRRO in the POS terminal. This is a mobile workplace of a cashier on a phone or tablet, which is not tied to a stationary point.

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